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The Inra recruits 32 researchers

27 Januar 2017 Karriere
Gesehen 505 Mal

The Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (Inra) is a French public organisation that carries out mission-oriented research for over 10,000 agents throughout France. As the first institute of agricultural research in Europe, its researches regard all issues in relation with agriculture, food and food security, environment and land management, with a special focus in favour of sustainable development.


The Inra is recruiting 32 researchers (M/F) with an examination session to populate its teams. Recruitments are open to all applications holders of a doctorat (PhD) degree or equivalent in various scientific fields such as human nutrition, the intestinal microbiota, genetics (vegetal, animal, quantitative), populations dynamics and genomics, neurobiology of behaviours, animal nutrition, vegetal ecophysiology, functional and behavioural ecology, vegetal walls design, biotechnology and processes engineering, systems biology and synthesis biology, animal health, mathematics and computer science for living beings and the environment, economy, sociology and organisations science.


Registrations are open until March 1, 2017.


All useful information to apply (profiles, applicants' guide, application form) are available on the Inra website 


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