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A visit of the offices of the newspaper "Libération"

The newspaper "Libération" invite you to visit its offices in rue de Châteaudun in Paris on Thursday 4th of February 2016 at 9:30 am. The visit will be followed by a meeting of the editorial board, to which you will have the opportunity to see.

The morning will end at 11:30 am. You will have the opportunity to discover how an editorial board of a daily newspaper works and thus better understand of information is relayed.

Given the low number of spots available (20 maximum), please register before January 22nd.

Thursday 4th February 2016
09:30 AM
Registration deadline : 22nd January
  • Free

Registration closed


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Thursday 4th February 2016
09:30 AM
Registration deadline : 22nd January
  • Free

Registration closed
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