Action for the planet, action thought law
On 24 June, 2017 the Club des juristes will organize an international event chaired by Laurent Fabius, President of the Constitutional Council of the French Republic and former President of the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP 21), to launch the “Global Pact for the Environment” project in the prestigious Grand Amphithéâtre of the Sorbonne University in Paris.
Prominent personalities involved in the fight against climate change and for development will contribute to this event: Ban Ki-moon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anne Hidalgo, Mary Robinson, Laurence Tubiana, Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Jean Jouzel, and more. Distinguished legal experts and judges from worldwide Constitutional and Supreme Courts will participate on panels.
This day will provide the opportunity to disclose a draft version of the Pact project, a result of the joint work of the Environmental commission of Le Club des Juristes and an international network of 150 high-level experts in environmental law representing the diversity of nations.
The 24 June event will be a key moment of international mobilization for the environment and for development.
Limited places available, required online registration (free admission)
To register: http://www.leclubdesjuristes.com/toward-a-global-pact-for-the-environment-action-for-the-planet-action-through-law/
Read here the entire program for the event on the Global Pact for the Environment
If you have any questions, please write us at: agirpourlenvironnement@leclubdesjuristes.com
See all events
Saturday 24th June 2017
10:00 AM
- 06:00 PM
Grand Amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne
47 rue des Ecoles,
Grand Amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne
47 rue des Ecoles,75005 Paris

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