Africa: Destination Emplois [Job Forum]
In the wake of the Campus France Meetings 2016 that put the African continent at the heart of academic cooperation, Campus France has the pleasure to announce the Forum “Afrique : Destination Emplois” (Africa: Destination Jobs), dedicated to professional insertion and entrepreneurship in Africa of graduates (in particular African graduates) of the French higher education system. The Forum will be held on November 24 and 25, 2017 in Paris, at the CENTQUATRE (5 rue Curial - 75019 Paris).
The Forum will be open to companies implemented in Africa, to French higher education institutions, to players and programmes of entrepreneurship, but also to partners of the Agency (AUF, AFD, Business France, ADIUT, etc.).
About 1,000 graduates are expected during the two days. They will have the opportunity to meet over 50 local companies invited by the French diplomatic posts of 17 countries from Sub-Saharan countries: South Africa, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo.
Though professional insertion and entrepreneurship in Africa are the primary objectives of the Forum, this will also be an opportunity to promote professionalizing trainings, internship offers, international volunteering, and to challenge experiences of speakers to improve a finer knowledge of the needs in training of the African labour market. Many workshops and seminars will support the themes over the course of two days.
Additional information: ADE@campusfrance.org
Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs gave a speech before the Counsellor of Cooperation and Cultural Action to highlight the importance of job creation for the young in Africa.
According to the Minister: "France promotes specific actions in favour of company creations by the diasporas to create jobs and boost growth on the sites of the diasporas. This is the point of the Franco-German programme of European engagement for entrepreneurship in Africa (MEETAfrica) that supports entrepreneurs of the African diaspora, graduated from the French and German higher education systems through the creation in their country of origin of companies with strong technological aspect or innovative solutions".
Speech by Mr. Le Drian on July 17 in Paris during the meeting of all French players of the network of cooperation and cultural action present in the world.
See all events
Friday 24th November 2017
09:00 AM
- 08:00 PM
5 rue Curial
5 rue Curial75019 PARIS
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