"Osons la France, tous visionnaires": a forum of opportunities
This exhibition forum presents the creative and entrepreneur face of France: a country that dares and innovates. This event aims at taking advantage of economic changes, understanding virtuous ecosystems and identifying niches.
"Join the new French revolution!"
Against French bashing, against the exodus of talents, against inertia and negativism, let’s Try France! This is how the exhibition forum is presented. From December 4th to 7th, it will present a France that dares, innovates, acts and creates tomorrow's jobs. This one-of-its-kind exhibition forum is the first dedicated to economy. It will be held in Paris, in the Grand Palais, a symbol of France's radiance in the world since its opening during the 1900 World Fair.
For the organisers, everyone is welcome, hence the "all visionary" in the title: partners, exhibitors, speakers and visitors. The public is invited to join those who drive France's entrepreneurial spirit, to "stop being passive observers to become actors, and be inspired by those who have the courage and the energy to build the future".
France is full of innovative initiatives, new-age entrepreneurs, exceptional creative talents and scholars that drive the current philosophies forward. Our ambition: explain economy and revive optimism by showing all the energies that make tomorrow's world.
A showcase for French innovation and creativity
An exhibition will present the best of French innovation and creativity to illustrate the current changes. "200 builders for tomorrow" who represent this boiling, creative and active France -a country "firmly decided to invest in the future"-, are invited to showcase their project. They will benefit from a 3,200 ft2 dedicated space in the central nave of the Grand Palais.
They are start-up creators, entrepreneurs, researchers, scholars, designers, etc. They work in niche or changing industries and contribute to designing the future. "Their common point: through innovative projects or their way of thinking the modern world, they are revolutionising their industry - biotechnology, mobility, health, robotics, design, tourism, etc. Their mission throughout the forum is to share their vision, their passion, and give others the ambition to dare. "
Aude de Thuin, who created the Women's Forum, organises this "mini-world fair" to show France's talents. This businesswoman is aware of current trends and has now started a concept "linked to innovation and creativity, and designed to promote talents and assets in France".
An event to reinstate audacity and courage
She decided to have this event to present a France that had never been seen before: enthusiastic, optimistic and most of all unhesitant. The aim is to promote French economy and rekindle the desire to dare. According to the organisers, in an era where air is full of pessimistic thoughts, initiatives are not visible enough, although they are everywhere.
The forum has thus invited those who have dared and engaged themselves in adventures of all kinds: entrepreneurs, artists, innovators, social or humanitarian leaders, etc. "It's an opportunity to discover creators and bold adventurers, to exchange with them and share passion and inspiration". More than a forum, "Osons la France" seeks to be a movement that will gather those who want to build a strong and daring country open on the world.
Like in editions of previous years, well-known speakers will cover the theme "I dared' ("J'ai osé"): dared to come back to France, dared to attack giants, dared having a go again after a failure, etc. Those conferences will give the taste for daring.
Meetings with renowned icons
With speakers from all over the world and meetings with industry leaders and major political figures, the forum will gather many people, like current Minister of Economy Emmanuel Macron, BlaBlaCar founder and CEO Frédéric Mazzela, former WTO director-general Pascal Lamy or economist Patrick Artus.
The event will thus be the opportunity to exchange with opinion leaders, entrepreneurs and scholars that think and shape the France of tomorrow and meet major players of French economy.
Guillaume Sarkozy, deputy executive of Malakoff Médéric, will unveil his proposals for alternative economies available in the health industry. Alain Dehaze, head of Adecco, will unveil the names of 1,000 companies ready to recruit immediately. Jean-Paul Agon, head of L'Oréal, will announce new progresses in the treatment of third degree burns victims. And Stéphane Richard, CEO of Orange, will make the young rack their brains in a hackathon.
Event website:
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