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Conditions to come to France are lifted

04 August 2022 Come back to France
View 922 times

Despite the coronavirus, France continues to welcome alumni. Since August 1st 2022, there is no more border health controls.

Since August 1st 2022, there is no more border health controls. We still recommend to fully vaccinate before your departure to facilitate your arrival and everyday life in France.




Since border health control has been lifted on August 1st, here are the latest update to come to France: 

  • Travellers don’t need to follow any procedure before coming to France anymore. Presenting a COVID certificate (“Passe sanitaire”) is NOT REQUIRED anymore, regardless of country of origin;
  • No compelling reason (“Motif impérieux”) is required;
  • Travellers are not required to provide a sworn declaration of non-contamination and declaration to undergo a PCR test or biological test at your arrival in France.


What are the rules regarding masks?


  • Wearing a mask is no longer mandatory in premises receiving the public, or in maritime, river, ground and air transports.
  • However, wearing a mask is still recommended in closed spaces and in events gathering a lot of people for fragile and elderly people.
  • It is also highly recommended in hospital buildings and for elderly people.


To know more: 

on the Ministry of the Interior website

- on the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs website

on the Campus France website


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