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Delta Festival: 50,000 students and Campus France under the Marseille sun

20 July 2018 Community
View 548 times

For the second consecutive year, Campus France joined the Delta Festival in Marseille to celebrate youth.

Uniting and celebrating youth in all its aspects: music, sports, arts, innovation, and more.

Organised on the Marseille beaches and in 5 villages, 250 associations participated in the 4th edition of the Delta Festival. Campus France was present (like in 2016), and was proud to join the biggest European student festival: 50,000 participants this year! 

We held a stand in collaboration with the IXESN association as part of our collaboration regarding the promotion of the Buddy System. We had a lot of exchanges with students, but also with innovative companies (Aix Marseille French Tech, Waiter Love…), and authorities of the region. 

Team Campus France on the podium!

The Campus France team of pétanque, made of international students and alumni reached the finale!

Congratulations to all of you and thank you for defending the colours of France Alumni from Toulouse, Montpellier and Marseille. 



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