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High as Internet
Arianespace signe avec OneWeb

17 August 2015 Business
View 146 times

By putting 672 satellites in orbit for the American company OneWeb, Arianespace will develop an international access to the Internet.

OneWeb: the most significant contract in the history of Arianespace

Arianespace just concluded the most significant contract in its history. Between 2017 and 2019, the European operator of space launch systems will operate 21 launches of satellites for the American start-up OneWeb. The goal of the mission is to put in orbit a constellation of about 700 satellites that will provide a low cost Internet connection everywhere in the world.

OneWeb and its founder Greg Wyler hope to conquer the markets of Internet access in emerging countries, the next goldmine of the Web giants.

By putting 672 satellites in orbit for the American company OneWeb, Arianespace will develop an international access to the Internet.

The conclusion of the contract occurred just when Airbus, the holder of Arianespace, had been chosen by OneWeb to supervise the construction of the satellites. This decision is not a surprise: Airbus, the French giant of aircraft manufacturers recently became an equity partner of the start-up.

In addition to this help, an agreement concluded in 2007 between the European and Russian space agencies highly helped the leader of space transportation win over this huge market. This agreement grants Arianespace the launch of the Russian Soyouz rockets. They can be mass produced, which makes them perfect for the high rate of missions needed to implement the constellation of OneWeb.

Icing on the cake: thanks to the Russian-European cooperation, launches will take place in several locations at the same time, in French Guyana, Kazakhstan and Russia.

Arianespace and Virgin Galactic compete with Space X

In late 2017, Arianespace will put into orbit the first 10 satellites through a Soyouz STB/Fregat. Twenty other launches of 32 satellites each will be made over the next couple of years. Virgin Galactic, the company of space travels owned by billionaire Richard Branson, will also take part in the deployment of OneWeb.

The speed and implementation of this huge project – only 4 years from the conclusion of the contract – can be explained by the context of strong competition. Google may be working on a similar project in collaboration with the independent launches operator Space X, a direct competitor of Arianespace.


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