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Make Our Planet Great Again
Appel international lancé

09 June 2017 Business
View 247 times

In the wake of the decision of the United States to pull out of the Paris Agreement, French president Emmanuel Macron launched a call on June 1st, 2017 for researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs, associations and NGOs, students and all citizens to join France in the fight against climate change. This call to join all energies for the protection of the planet shows the determination of France to be the driving force of the fight against climate change.

Today, this call has become concrete with the launch of the Internet platform "Make Our Planet Great Again". The platform facilitates the engagement for the protection of our planet of the people who want to commit in projects, continue researches, create, raise financing or come to live in France. In cooperation with the Ministry of Ecological and Solidary Transition, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ministry for the Economy and Finance, Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.


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