RUDIGER Bernhard
- 46 institutions under the pedagogical supervision of the Ministry of Culture
- 59 sites/56 cities in metropolitan France and in overseas departments and territories
- 3 options (art, communication, design) and 60 specializations
ANdEA is a federation of all 46 of France’s public postsecondary institutions of art and design, which deliver national diplomas at the undergraduate level (3 years of postsecondary study) and master’s level (5 years of postsecondary study). The federation strives to promote an original model of training and research
- the primacy of the senses and the importance of experimentation
- a collegial, holistic view of the student’s progress and a similar approach to evaluation
- artistic output as the gauge of success
- the project as key learning tool
- the teaching of art through art
A strong tradition of openness, broad training, and also characterize France’s schools of art:
- a generalist (well-rounded) approach to teaching
- openness to other disciplines and to cross-disciplinarity
- diversity of programs and curricula: member schools train artists, creators, and, more generally, professionals in the fields of art and culture.