See also
As a member of the ITM and with a strong local presence, IMT Mines Alès' mission is to give its students the best possible opportunities to achieve professional success and to become responsible actors in the development of the nation while preserving the planet's resources. The school's values are commitment, sharing and excellence.
The school is authorized to award 4 engineering degrees (the historic general engineering degree, as well as 4 specialty degrees through apprenticeship). It also awards several master's degrees (bac+5), specialized master's degrees (bac+6) and doctorates (bac+8). It offers a total of 69 courses in six areas of excellence, covering most of the technological and environmental issues of the 21st century: materials & civil engineering, environment & risks, artificial intelligence & industrial digital technology. The school has nearly 1,400 students (including more than 250 international students), plus 500 trainees in continuing professional education. 94% of the student-engineers who have joined the school have obtained the mention "Très bien" or "Bien" in their baccalaureate.
IMT Mines Alès has 5 research laboratories, 2 of which are shared with the CNRS, where top-level research professors work. Recognized as an Institut Carnot, the school's research is resolutely oriented towards the needs of companies and society: one third of the school's research is conducted in partnership with companies.
IMT Mines Alès is a nationally recognized player in the field of business and supports its development. With a network of nearly 2,000 partner companies, it has developed strong skills in creativity and innovation, which are at the heart of the school's educational project. IMT Mines Alès was the first French engineering school to create a business incubator, which has led to the creation of more than 200 start-ups, representing over 1,000 jobs in the region.
IMT Mines Alès is resolutely open to the world and is strongly committed to developing inbound and outbound mobility for its students and faculty. The school has established partnerships with nearly 90 foreign universities, including nearly 30 double-degree agreements. The school offers 2 training courses all in English, including an international master's degree. 8 languages are taught at the school.
As a local player, the school welcomes nearly 10,000 visitors each year and supports nearly 500 young people from the region who benefit from solidarity actions for educational success. It also organizes multiple events aimed at introducing science to the population and in particular to young people.
To accomplish its missions, the school relies on 380 staff members (44% of whom are women) and has a consolidated budget of €35 million, 1/3 of which comes from its own resources. It is ISO9001 certified for all its activities.
Located in the heart of the Cevennes, one hour from Montpellier and the sea, and 40 minutes from Nîmes, the school's students and staff enjoy a very good quality of life and an exceptional level of sunshine. Students have the opportunity to be housed at the Maison des élèves (managed by the alumni association) in very privileged conditions and at "student cost", and benefit from a particularly well-developed community and sports life.