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Montpellier Business School

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2300, avenue des Moulins
Montpellier - France


Schools of business and management


Montpellier Business School



A goal of global and sustainable performance that serves businesses, societies and individuals


Montpellier Business School, a Grande École, is heir to a long tradition of teaching based on the needs of businesses and markets. Founded in 1897 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Montpellier, the school has succeeded in continually refining its specialized instruction in management sciences over the years in order to adapt its programmes to constant changes in local and global economic environments.


A European Grande École in Management


127 years of history :

Triple accreditation: AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS

80+ participating faculty

35% of students pay no tuition fees

International :

+ 150 foreign university partners across 37 countries

Around 300 students from partner universities each year

68: the number of countries in which alumni live

28%: the percentage of international students on campus

Professionalization :

14-month minimum company internship

50 professional specializations on the Montpelliérain site

Several thousand internship opportunities per year

70% of students recruited before receiving their degree

Nearly 14,000 alumni members in the alumni association

A Business Club grouping together committed Major Company Partners from more than 30 major national and international companies

Placement rates :

Average employment rate over the last four years:

86% before graduation

97% three months after graduation


National and international recognition :

51th Master in Management in the world in the Financial Times ranking (2023).

13th in the SIGEM rankings of the “Concours Master,” the Grande École Master’s programme entrance exams in France. The SIGEM (Système d’Intégration aux Grandes Écoles de Management) ranking evaluates the preferences of students from preparatory classes in France at the time of their placement.

12th-ranked school of management in France for the Master’s Programme in the national competition established by Le Point, Le Parisien (a French weekly news magazine and French daily newspaper, respectively).



Our programs (Bachelor - Master in Management – Masters of Science) are offered in French and English :


Bachelor of International Business Administration (Bac +3) : See more

Programme Master Grande Ecole (Bac +5) : See more

Masters of Science (Bac +5) : See more

Executive MBA (Bac +5) : See more