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You want to study in France? Campus France helps you to find your university!

You want to study in France ?

The Campus France Office of Addis Ababa is made for you !

Open since March 2017 in the Ethio-French Alliance (Piassa), the office is dedicated to everyone interested in studying in France.

There you can find all the documentation (in French or English) you need for your course choice (papers about Universities, fields of studies, scholarships, guide for daily life in France...) as well as a computer connected to internet available to do you research.

Tigiste Ayele, responsible for the office, will be their to advise and guide you in your research and your administrative tasks.

She can recceive you on Wednesday morning, from 9 am to 1 pm, and on Friday afternoon, from 2 pm to 5 pm.

Feel free to contact her:


Tigiste, Campus France office in Addis Ababa