de Campus France
16 Enero 2017
Vista 180 veces
Their blog on the life of an international student will be online soon!
The General Director of Campus France and her teams gathered for the first time 5 students and Alumni chosen to become the digital Ambassadors of Campus France. They will write a blog throughout the year about the everyday life of a foreign student in France. The blog will soon be published online and you will be able to follow them every month.
The E-Ambassadors group includes:
- Yanxiang, 25 years old, Chinese, in master 2 at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
- Ivana, 18 years old, Venezuelan, in licence at Sciences Po Paris, Poitiers campus
- Odam Anne, 24 years old, Nigerian, in master at the Institut Français du Pétrole
- Slava, 22 years old, Russian, in master in international business at Lille 2
- Jorge, 31 years old, Argentinian, alumni of the master in communication at the University of Burgundy
Odam Anne
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