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Award Ceremony of the “De ma fenêtre, je vois l'humanité” contest

22 1月 2021 职业类
Vue 905 次

The award ceremony for the “De ma fenêtre, je vois l'humanité” contest took place live on social networks on Wednesday 20 January 2021.

The award ceremony for the for the “De ma fenêtre, je vois l'humanité” contest (From my window, I see humanity) took place on Wednesday 20 January 2021. The event was broadcast live on Facebook. Béatrice Khaiat, Director General of Campus France, announced the list of winners.


Organised by Ana Godeiro and Liliane Mutti, activity leaders of the France Alumni image club from June 12 to October 12, 2020, this photo and video contest offered alumni in France the opportunity to express all their creativity by taking a singular look at humanity. This project was initiated by the research project “Les banlieues créatives : l’Humanité à Saint-Denis” (Creative suburbs: Humanity in Saint-Denis) led by Silvia Capanema, historian and lecturer at the Sorbonne University Paris-Nord.


Winners of the photo contest


First Prize: Moise Togo 


Mon espace” (My space)

 © Moise Togo

A French government scholarship holder and winner of the Bakary Diallo prize, Moïse Togo is a Malian artist currently studying at Le Fresnoy school - national studio of contemporary arts. Passionate about art and new technologies, he expresses his artistic talents in the field of multimedia.


Second Prize : Elena Matias


Intimité” (Intimacy)

 © Elena Matias

A Doctoral student at Sciences Po Paris, Elena Matias Casacuberta is a former scholarship holder of the AEFE’s “Excellence major” programme. Her travels have given her a taste for photography, while architecture and human encounters in China, Africa and Latin America have amazed her. Paris has become her favourite subject and she likes to explore the city with a camera in her hand.


Special Prize from the jury: Gustavo Schettino


Espace-temps” (Space-time)

 © Gustavo Schettino

Born in Belo-Horizonte, Brazil, Gustavo Schettino has been living and working in France since 2004 as a director and cultural producer with extensive experience between France, Brazil and Spain.


Winners of the video contest


First prize: Devra Taboada


Le film orange” (The orange film)

Devra Taboada is a Brazilian artist who lives in France, where she directs and produces independent audiovisual productions. She graduated in Audiovisual course at the Centro Universitário Senac in Sao Paulo.


Second prize: Ulrich Prince Adjaho


Le monde depuis ma fenêtre” (The world from my window)


Originally from Benin, Ulrich Prince Adjaho is an engineering student at CY Tech/EISTI who likes to express his artistic talents in video.


Special Prize from the jury: Mohammed Al-Ttowwi




A Yemeni student in management at the IAE of Lyon 3 and a scholarship holder from the “Hadhramout” (Hadhramout Establishment for Human Development) scholarship programme, Mohammed Al-Ttowwi has a passion for creating videos on Youtube. He likes to share his thoughts, his travels, and bear witness to university and daily life in France.


Replay the award ceremony


Relive the award ceremony of the contest and discover the story of the winners.



In the coming months, when the health situation will allow it, a photo and video exhibition on this competition will be organised in the premises of Campus France Agency.


To know more: 

“From my window, I see humanity” competition

the image club of France Alumni



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