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In 2020, everything is possible!

20 1月 2020 职业类
Vue 715 次

Will 2020 be the year where everything is possible? In any case, that’s what we wish you, and we’ll do everything we can to make it happen! Here’s a quick review of all opportunities open to you, mostly in France, but not only!


2020: a cultural year

As with every year, with recurring dates and new initiatives, you’ll be spoilt for choice!

- France loves comic books! With BD 2020, 2020 is the year of comic books. BD 2020 is an all-year event entirely dedicated to comic books and graphic novels in France for all audiences. The event is organised by the Centre National du Livre and the Cité Internationale de la Bande Dessinée:

- Week of French language and Francophonie (Semaine de la Langue française et de la Francophonie), 14-22 March. This event designed for language enthusiasts in France and beyond provides the general public with the opportunity to celebrate French language. The 2020 event is focused on the theme of water “to quench your thirst for beautiful words along the waterside”:

- The national Forum Entrepreneurship in Culture (“Entreprendre dans la Culture”) will be held in May. After a two-day organisation in France in regional or international events, the Forum will be exported all year round in Europe (Spain, Germany) and worldwide (North America, Africa):

- The European Heritage Days (Journées européennes du Patrimoine), held in September. This is the 37th international edition to discover the French heritage:, and the National Days for Architecture (Journées nationales de l’architecture), in October, to discover the deepness of modern architecture:


2020: a professional year

With fairs, forums, conferences, and workshops, many professional events will be held in 2020. Among them, two directly involve France Alumni.

-  The Entrepreneurs’ Fair (Salon des Entrepreneurs), will be held in Paris on February 5 and 6, with the participation of France Alumni. Two days to “boost your professional projects”:

- The Africa-France Summit will be held in Bordeaux on June 4 to 6, in a major international event, also with the participation of France Alumni, as part of the 2nd Afrique Destination Emplois fair:

To know more about other professional events in 2020:


2020: a sports year

The year 2020 will obviously be rich in sporting events, with four major events in France and worldwide.

- The Youth Olympic Games will be held in Switzerland from January 9 to 22. The event will be held in Lausanne and its surroundings, on the banks of Lake Geneva and the surrounding Alps, while the Olympic Village will be located at the heart of the wide university campus welcoming over 35,000 students:

- The European football championship, the sporting event organised in twelve different cities throughout Europe, where Les Bleus, the France football team, world champions in 2018 in Russia, are among the favourites:

- The Tour de France bicycle race, from June 27 to July 19, kicks off in Nice to end on the renowned Champs-Elysées in Paris:

- The Tokyo Olympic (and Paralympic) Games in July-August:


2020: a commemoration year

The year 2020 will also be rich in commemorations. They say the French love to commemorate! But what will they commemorate in 2020?

- General de Gaulle. The year 2020 is placed under the sign of the memory of this major national hero: 2020 is the anniversary of the 75th year of Victory Day, and the 80th anniversary of the Appeal of 18 June 1940 broadcasted from London by General de Gaulle. 2020 is also the 50th anniversary of the General’s death and the 130th anniversary of his birth!

- Major French writers. Commemorative ceremonies will begin as early as January 4 with the 60th anniversary of Albert Camus’ death. Other famous writers are celebrated this year: Jean-Paul Sartre and Romain Gary, with the 40th anniversary of their death, and François Mauriac and Jean Giono, who died in 1970. Last but not least, in late 2020, Maurice Genevoix, who was injured during the First World War, will enter the French Panthéon.


2020: a sustainable year

Social and solidarity economy, environmental protection and ecology in all its forms won’t be left behind in 2020.

- European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) will be held all over Europe From May 30 to June 5. In France, many partners contribute to the success of this week organised under the auspices of the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidary Transition:

- The EU Sustainable Energy Week, launched by the European Commission, will be held from June 15 to 19, with events organised all over Europe, including in France:

- The Month of Social and Solidarity Economy (“Mois de l’Économie sociale et solidaire”), in November, helps increase the awareness about SSE for the general public, communities and institutions, and companies, including through many events and activities held all over France:


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