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Sustainable development: an international competition to be an actor of change

27 10月 2020 职业类
Vue 1420 次

The Young Reporters for the Environment (JRE in French) programme is organising until 15 March 2021 a national and international competition to encourage young people to become actors of change, by producing a journalistic and creative report in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the UN. About thirty prizes will be awarded to the best reports presented in the form of videos, podcasts or press articles.

The Jeunes Reporters pour l’Environnement (JRE, Young Reporters for the Environment) programme is organising until 15 March 2021 a national and international competition to encourage young people to become actors of change, by producing a journalistic and creative report in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the UN. About thirty prizes will be awarded to the best reports presented in the form of videos, podcasts or press articles.

The JRE programme is a media and information education programme present in 34 countries worldwide. It encourages young people to become actors of change, in the spirit of “solutions journalism”, i.e. journalism that not only informs but also proposes “inspiring and duplicable solutions”.


What objectives, in what form?


Within this framework, participants are asked to give voice to actors in the field by means of reports, to promote local initiatives that respond concretely to “the challenges of climate change, biodiversity, responsible consumption and production, and the reduction of inequalities”.

The reports may take the form of an article (1,000 words), a video (3 minutes) or a podcast (3 minutes).


Which candidates?


The Young Reporter for the Environment competition is open to all young people up to 25 years old. They can take part in the competition alone or in teams, in a university setting (universities, “grandes écoles”, student associations), but also as free candidates.

To participate at international level, the jury selects the articles and/or videos submitted that will represent the participant's country of origin in the international competition. These reports, translated into English, will then be chosen by an international jury which will meet at the end of May and announce the winners in June.


What method?


A very didactic project presentation guide and a toolbox clearly explains how to participate in the competition, in a very concrete way, by proposing a methodology “to help you, step by step, to make your report”.

In four steps, the aim is to identify a subject in line with the Sustainable Development Objectives, to conduct a real journalistic investigation, to produce a report by presenting actors in the field with concrete solutions, and then to broadcast this report directly on the site platform via a personal space.


What prizes?


For young people between 18 and 25 years old, a distinction is made between young people who have followed a journalism training course and other candidates. The winning reports and the jury's “favourites” will be rewarded with a prize of up to 1,000 euros. These reports will also be disseminated on the organiser's website, on its social networks and to journalists, by means of a press release and press kit.


To know more:

on the Young Reporters for the Environment competition    

on the Objectives of Sustainable Development 



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