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A hosting agreement for scholarship holders has been signed
Les CPGE des Lycées Louis-le-Grand, Henri IV et du Parc s’engagent à accueillir des Boursiers d’excellence sénégalais avec l’appui de l’École polytechnique

07 December 2015 Business
View 234 times

During the visit of Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal, in the École polytechnique on December 2nd 2015, high schools Louis-Le-Grand, Henri IV and Lycée du Parc have signed with the French embassy in Senegal and its Service of Management of Students (SCGEE in French) an agreement to host Senegalese holders of scholarships of excellence in their Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles (CPGE).The “X”, as the École polytechnique is nicknamed, seeks to entice the integration in the French CPGE of the most successful Senegalese students and supports the initiative and is committed to its promotion.

In the presence of his Excellency Mack Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal, during his visit on the campus of the École polytechnique on December 2nd 2015, the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris, represented by its headmaster Jean Bastianelli, the Lycée Henri IV in Paris, represented by its headmaster Patrice Corre and the Lycée du Parc in Lyon, represented by its headmaster Pascal Charpentier, which are three instructions with a strong international openness, are now committed to host Senegalese students with high potential who are holders of a Scholarship of Excellence from the Senegalese government and to include them in their CPGE for the start of class of 2016-2017. The objective is to facilitate the access of these talented students to the best Classes préparatoires in order to allow them to enter the most important French scientific of business Grandes Ecoles.


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