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International PhD students won’t have to pay increased registration fees

27 February 2019 Community
View 1333 times

In an interview given to the Journal du Dimanche on February 24, Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, has announced this decision, and followed the guidelines in the report about the implementation conditions of the Bienvenue en France (Welcome to France) strategy she received a few days earlier

PhD students are exempted

Registration fees for a thesis course will be the same for students from the common area and out of the common area, 380€/year, in order to increase the attractive power of French Doctorate degrees for international students, and value the research created in labs.

Let’s remind that students from outside the common area already registered in a study course in France in 2018-2019 will be exempted from paying differential fees until the end of their studies in France.

More interesting recommendations

Mrs Vidal also notes “three essential aspects we are working on with other ministries”:  visa processing, the development of a certification for the reception of international students, and the improvement of access to accommodation.

These initiatives aim to, as Vidal says, “improving the welcome conditions, attract more international students, including those with higher resources”.

More information here: 


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