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Launch of the Jeunesse Entreprises Engagées Prize

16 Septiembre 2022 Negocios
Vista 735 veces

The French Secretary of State in charge of youth launched the “Jeunesse Entreprises Engagées” Prize (J2E) in collaboration with the Confédération Nationale des Juniors-entreprises. The Prize awards on 14 November, date of the kick-off of the world Week of entrepreneurship, three business projects chosen after a national competition. Its ambition is to shed the light on innovative initiatives for “more ecological, fair and solidary society”.

The French government wants to promote the commitment of youth for the environmental cause through a partnership concluded with the “Confédération des Juniors-entreprises” (Confederation of Juniors-Companies) which helps thousands of young entrepreneurs each year. This national Confederation positions itself as “the aggregator of the 1st confederate student movement in France”.


Juniors-entreprises, vectors of commitment and employability


Juniors-entreprises are indeed “education associations of counsel” seeking to “increase the skills of students through services for professionals”.

These structures are implemented in more than 200 higher education institutions all over France, and are “vectors of commitment and employability for thousands of young people”. They offer services to companies (very small companies, small and medium companies, large companies, associations) and reciprocally allow students to develop their knowledge by putting their training into practice to meet the needs of clients. This is a win-win situation according to the French ministry of youth, for whom the concept of Juniors-entreprises is a “true French success story that has been exported in more than 40 countries since its creation in 1967”.


A contest to foster the commitment of the young


With 25,000 new students registering every year, the Juniors-entreprises also commit for a better future. Through and thanks to them, the competition launched by the French ministry of youth will award three projects of committed companies.

The competition thus includes various themes that should lead to innovative projects about ecology and sustainable development, social justice or solidarity. According to the ministry, the youth “must face many challenges, the first of which is the climate crisis, and the strengthening of national coherence”.


A Week to bring together entrepreneurs in 200 countries


The Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) brings together 200 countries and celebrates every year from 14 to 20 November entrepreneurship and its players. And it’s during this event that the Jeunesse Entreprises EngagéesPrize will be awarded on 14 November, date of the start of this Week organised in France by BPIFrance the French agency fostering “entrepreneurship for all”.

The Global Entrepreneurship Week has been attracting every year for 13 years millions of people participating in events, activities and competitions in over 200 countries worldwide. This initiative started in 2008, and first aimed at encouraging the young to create their company, but it quickly developed to become an overall event committing entrepreneurs, investors, decisionmakers, researchers and support organisationsworking together to develop economic growth and innovation all over the world”. 


To know more: 

The Jeunesse Entreprises Engagées Prize


World week of entrepreneurship


Photo credit: © NDABCREATIVITY –


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