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Which job positions are the most demanded by companies in France?

17 1月 2020 职业类
Vue 7145 次

LinkedIn France published a survey about the jobs of tomorrow in France. They used their own data, and the survey reveals the 15 jobs with the biggest momentum: technology is still the most appealing industry overall.

To draw this list of “emerging” jobs, the professional network analysed the activity of its members employed in a full-time job in France over the last five years. And LinkedIn defined a Big 3 of most appealing jobs in France, with the “Data Protection Officer”, i.e. cybersecurity specialist, claiming the first position. Artificial Intelligence Engineers follow, and the 3rd position is taken by... Real Estate Agents! And LinkedIn concluded: “Jobs in Tech are among the most appealing jobs in France, but not as much as in Germany and the UK”.


(Slightly) surprising results

In comments on these results, the social network thinks that with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) recently implemented in France, “data protection is gaining momentum”. According to LinkedIn, this “Tech Boom” can clearly be observed on its network, where “research for qualified tech profile increased”. The hype benefits other profiles, like all specialist in AI positions present in majority in the Top 15 emerging jobs list. However, the real estate agent occupation claiming 3rd position is the “biggest surprise of the ranking”. According to LinkedIn, an investment spike in real estate industry would explain “an increased need in real estate agents, which are one of the three fastest-growing occupations”. 


Emerging jobs: where and for who?

The three cities where demand for emerging jobs is the strongest are Paris, Toulouse and Lyon. “With about 60% of emerging jobs located in the capital city, Paris dominates the market”, while in other major French cities, “the number of companies employing emerging talents increased by over 40% compared with last year”.

Another observation from the study: occupations are mostly men-oriented, with 81% of emerging jobs (in all industries) pursed by men. The banking industry shows “the widest gap”: 77% men to 23% women. However, LinkedIn notes that “71% of recruitment professionals declare that reaching gender balance in their company is one of their priorities” ...

 Authors of the survey also note that in this context, “French companies looking to recruit emerging talents are not limited to French nationals. Highly demanded jobs attract among other professionals from Tunisia, Morocco, the UK, the US and Canada. This is one of the objectives of the France Alumni network, a social network including 320,000 members and 1,200 partners in 122 countries looking to boost the professional insertion of international graduates. Many business partners in France and worldwide are indeed highly interested in these graduates’ multicultural profile. Check out our job offers published on the www.francealumni platform!


Know more about the survey:


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